Thursday 30 June 2016

Bank Recon 4.8 is available

Bank Recon 4.8.1067.3358 is available for download from the Twenty57 website. Thank you to Shivkant for the development work.

Accounting Periods

The Accounting Period list screen has been updated to allow multiple consecutive accounting periods to be closed.

Each period up to and including the selected period will be closed consecutively.
Compatibility Headers

Compatibility headers have been added for users of Internet explorer who use a default document mode prior to IE9. The header will ensure that pages render using IE9 document mode.
GenericCSV parser

The Generic CSV parser now supports both of ‘dd/MM/yyyy’ and ‘dd-MM-yyyy’ as date formats. The GenericCSV statement number validation bug has been resolved. The statement number is no longer validated.
Unreconciled table concurrency improvements

Unreconciled table maintenance concurrency has been improved. The AutoRecon and Cashbook import processes will no longer fail when the unreconciled table maintenance process fails, but the process will end in a warning.
Helper Data matching (Bank <-> ReconHelperBankTransaction match)

This fix affects Recon rules using Helper data with the the option to create journal entries for missing Cashbook transactions selected. Previously, at least one Cashbook transaction would need to match to a ReconHelperCashbookTransaction for the match to succeed.
This is because the underlying ReconHelper set was determined by the Cashbook <-> ReconHelperCashbook match.
Now, the ReconHelper set can be determined by the Bank <-> ReconHelperBankTransaction alone and no Cashbook transactions need to match for journal entries to be created using the linked ReconHelperCashbook transactions.

Recon failure error messages (One of the Recons does not balance)

After a reconciliation fails due to an imbalance between the cashbook and bank when using Helper Data, it has frequently been due to one or more cashbook transactions matching to more than one ReconHelperCashbook transaction. In this case, Bank Recon will show the first 10 duplicates, so that they can be excluded from the match or used to update the Recon rule appropriately.
Easy Recon rule performance

The Easy recon rule editor now generates rules using Batch processing by default. This results in performance improvements in the case that grouping is used and the rule returns many groups.
Recon viewer

The Recon viewer screen has been updated to account for a large number of transferred transactions. When Reconciliations are run across accounts and a large number of transactions are transferred, displaying them all on one screen may result in timeouts,
server errors (maxRequestLength exceeded) or generally poor performance.

We have added paging on the ReconViewer to handle this case.

The page size is a web config application setting, 
<add key="bankrecon.reconviewer.pagesize" value="10"/>

Increasing the value will affect performance and may require the maximum request length to be increased when the value is large. The default value is 10 items.

Services User

A new user type has been added. Existing users who login to the front-end are known as end-users. The new user type is a service user. Service users cannot login to the front-end. Service users must have a password set, as they are used for the webservice integration. The Service user details are not updated by Active Directory.

Manual Recon balancing entries

There is a new web configuration setting:
<add key="bankrecon.glaccount.dropdownlimit" value="1000"/>

The setting affects the cashbook transaction allocation editor when creating a balancing entry. When an account is linked to more GL accounts than specified by the value, the GLAccount dropdown becomes an autocompleting textbox.

The default value is 1000. Setting the value to 0 will always use the autocomplete textbox. Setting the value to a very large number will always use the dropdown.