Thursday 20 October 2011

New build available with Suggest bug fixes.

Suggest is a brand new piece of functionality and still being adopted at clients so we do pick up the occasional bug in it. But they are few and far between and on the it is proving to be very stable. Version 4.2.361.1803 is now available from the Twenty57 website. Thanks to Anand and the team for all the great work.

The one bug will only affect you if you are running the Bank Recon Database on SQL Server 2008 and on a different server to the application. SQL 2005 and SQL 2008 handle transactions in a slightly different manner which caused the bug. This build won't affect how Suggest works on a SQL 2005 database in any way.

Additional Suggest Bugs fixed are:

  • Ensuring all HTML keywords and special characters are handled correctly if they appear in the data.
  • Better handling of the error which was appearing on the Suggest Config Screen when the service is not running.

Bank Recon is not yet developed in SQL 2008 so while I am confident it works in conjunction with 2008 (and we have a number of clients running Bank Recon on SQL 2008 in production environments) we don't run the build and unit tests on SQL 2008 so the odd compatibility issue may slip through. If you encounter one let me know and we will do our best to address it.

And if your environment is running SQL 2005 and you have plans to upgrade soon tell me so we can make a decision on when to officially move Bank Recon to SQL 2008.

The next planned release will include exception management (both user driven and automated) so watch this space.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Which webservices do you use?

Which of the Bank Recon webservices currently offered do you use? We are planning a revamp of the existing webservices to provide better interfaces for exception management and integration with different systems. A full list of the available webservices is below.

For Imports:
  • DomainGroupBankStatementImport
  • DomainGroupCashbookImport
  • DomainSingleBankStatementImport
  • CashbookImport
  • SingleBankStatementImport
  • BankDetailsImport
For Recons:
  • DomainGroupAutoRecon
  • AutoRecon
  • CancelRecon
Other Bank Recon Processes:
  • DomainGroupCashbookTransfer
  • DomainGroupGLExport
  • GLExport
  • DomainGroupJournalRule
  • SingleJournalRule
Client Specific Processes:
  • GetDetail
  • GetExceptions
  • GetHistory
  • UpdateException
  • DeleteDetail
  • AddDetail

Any changes we make will affect the Framework 4 version only. Scheduling has been included in Bank Recon since Version 2.4.758.2344 released in January 2010. This has reduced the dependency on the existing webservices to automate imports, recons and other processes.

If you use the built in Bank Recon scheduling but still have reason to occasionally use the webservices let me know.
If you are currently on a version that does not have scheduling and use the webservices are you planning to switch over once you upgrade?

Email me or post a comment and tell me.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Version 4.2.348.1775 is available for download (bug fixes)

A few small bugs were identified in the previous version and we have worked to fix them and get the new build out to you quickly. Thank you to Anand and the team for the great work. Please use this build if you are doing an upgrade to the Framework 4 version instead of the build released last week. Version 4.2.348.1775 is available from the Twenty57 website.

  • Install with Windows Authentication selected works. You don't have to install with Forms Authentication and then update your site and config files later.
  • Amount Filter work correctly with IN, NOT IN and BETWEEN conditions. Please note that using a formatted amount value with these three filter conditions will not work. IN, NOT IN and BETWEEN still work as normal for all other columns (ID, Date, Details etc).
If this is your first install of a .net Framework 4 version please follow the instructions in the previous blog post

Let me know what your experiences with Bank Recon are and what you think we could do to make it better. All feedback is wanted and welcome.