Wednesday 18 July 2012

Bank Recon 4.2.517.2101 is available

Bank Recon version 4.2.517.2101 is available for download from the Twenty57 website. It contains a number of small tweaks on the Manual Recon screen and the Open Cashbook Batches and Transactions screens to make using Bank Recon easier.

Manual Recon Screen Features:
  • Easier Balancing Entry allocation and reconciliation process. It is now simpler to add multiple allocations when you create the balancing entry, we prevent you creating the entry if the amount and allocations do no match and instead of having to save the balancing entry, then go back to the manual recon screen and click Reconcile, you can now 'Save and Reconcile' in one step.

  • Removed the vertical scroll bar from the transaction frames
  • Move transactions to the matched section without refreshing the entire screen
  • Clicking Back on the browser from the Balancing Entry Cashbook Allocation screen no longer creates the entry in error.
Open Cashbook Batches and Transactions Screen Features:
  • Highlight the allocated amount in red when it is different to the batch or transaction amount
  • Only show the Approve batch tick if the allocated amount equals the batch amount
  • Order the Cashbook transactions by reconciliation status, allocated amount<> transaction amount and then date. So the Unreconciled transactions will be on top, then those which have an incorrect allocation and then everything else
  • Move the delete icon for Unreconciled transactions in an open batch to the left so that it is easier to see and link to the correct transaction
  • Enabled the Back button on the Remove reconciliation screen so you can return to the transactions easily

Remember, you can only delete a transaction in an open batch if it is Unreconciled. You can fix an incorrect allocation for any transaction though, reconciled or unreconciled. You do this by clicking on the allocated amount link - which will be in red if it is incorrect. 

Other Features:
  • Enable Match Selected on the Bank and Cashbook Transaction screens for Search across Accounts selected on accounts where transfer of transactions is allowed.
  • Rollback the last imported Bank Statement. There is a new screen Transactions>Rollback Bank Statement which will allow you to rollback the last imported statement per parser. So if you import statements from different banks you will be able to remove the last one of each of the banks independently. Only the last imported statement for each parser is shown and rollback will remove any tags and recons associated with the bank transactions. Admin and Managers have access to this screen.
  • Import a Bank Statement across an entire Domain Group
Bug Fixes:
  • Test Bank Details Import definition is now working
  • Removed error message shown on Tag screen when there is no email address in Active Directory

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Search from the Manual Recon Screen Demo

It can happen that the transaction(s) you need for a match have already been reconciled. It used to be a time consuming process to navigate to the View Bank/Cashbook Transaction screen, try remember what you need to search for, find the transaction, break the existing match, go back to the Manual Recon screen, find the transaction you have just unreconciled, load it into the matched section and finally create the right reconciliation.

All that has changed.

There is now the ability to search directly from the Manual Recon screen for those transactions you just can't seem to find in the unmatched transaction list. I hope you enjoy the new functionality. Watch the video for a short tutorial (2:20 min) on how to use this feature. The video is hosted on you tube so it displays at 360p by default. Which is fine if you view it in the blog directly but looks a bit fuzzy if viewed in full screen. If you want to view it in full screen mode change the quality (click on the cog on the bottom right between the cc and the clock icons) to 480p or 720p depending on your bandwidth.

If you would rather read about the new functionality please go to the Bank Recon webhelp.

This is our first Bank Recon Demo video so let me know what you think and if you found it useful. I plan to add more help videos and introductory demo's soon.