Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Bank Recon 4.16.1111.3511 is available

Bank Recon 4.16.1111.3511 is available for download from the Twenty57 Partner Portal. Thank you to Russell and Shivkant.

The following has been included in this version.

Version 4.16.1111.3511 (21 June 2017)

 - Journal Rule Speed Improvement (Underlying query simplification and performance improvement)

 - Service Recovery Improvements. Upon starting the service,
           o process items that have been killed (in the busy state) will be updated to Error, and
           o items in the Pending State will be re-initiated.
         Previously these status updates would not occur automatically and pending processes would not automatically be re-initiated.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Bank Recon 4.16 is available

Bank Recon 4.16.1110.3508 is available for download from the Twenty57 Partner Portal. Thank you to Shivkant for the development work.

The following has been included since the previous blog post. All these versions are available for download.

Version 4.16.1110.3508 (7 June 2017)

 - Suggest Functionality now includes a configuration option to disable the MOD (10) rounding exclusion for exact matches.

Version 4.16.1109.3506 (9 April 2017)

 - Last Key Value can now be larger than 2^32 - 1
 - Using OR conditions in journal rules no longer allows selecting transactions from accounts other than the currently selected account

Version 4.15.1108.3502 (24 February 2017)

 - When manually creating a bank batch, there is an option to use the last statement type of the account
 o When selected, the specific statement validations for the statement number will be enforced
 o When unselected, the standard validations will apply (Opening/Closing balance)
 - Tag transaction removal
 o Cashbook/Bank transactions can be removed from Tags by any user with the "Save/Edit" tags right for the related domain
- SWIFT MT940: The SWIFT MT940 parser has been extended to parse the new 2016 Account identification tag (:25P:)
 o Existing documents are parsed as per usual

 - Object reference error on the Recon Viewer screen has been resolved 
o The error would occur when a user without the ReconciliationDelete right navigated to the ReconViewer screen by selecting
  a ReconID link from a cashbook / bank transaction
 - Object reference error occurring when deleting a bank batch no longer occurs and the audit process log is created successfully

Version 4.14.1101.3480 (19 January 2017)

 - A new process type has been added, 'Bank Batch Delete'
           o Manually deleting a bank batch creates a process log with a message showing the original batch details
  o This allows the event to be audited
  o Even though this event is audited, it should only be used for deleting manually created bank batches
  o Bank batches created by way of bank statement import should be rolled back, since multiple batches can be created for a single bank statement

 - Manual Recon totals bar displays correctly when using comma as decimal separator
 - Configurable columns on the Domain Group/Domain/Account selection screen are now correctly aligned and consistent with the standard columns

Version 4.13.1098.3469 (15 December 2016)

 - Bank enrichment amount condition
            o When applying Bank enrichments, an optional condition can be specified for the amount which will determine whether to apply the enrichment
o Supported conditions include None, Amount zero, Amount negative and Amount positive
 - Process Log
           o The Process Log can now be filtered by Process Type, StartTime, EndTime and/or Process Status

 - Import definition test function
  o When executing import definitions, numeric parameters used with a greater than condition are not incremented before applying the query
  o Date parameters used with the equals condition or the greater than or equal to condition are incremented before applying the query
  o The "Test" function on the import definition page was not applying the logic above leading to a difference in the data displayed by the test function
    and the data which would be returned on the next run of the import definition
  o The actual value of the @keyValue parameter is now displayed when using the "Test" function
  o The results returned by the "Test" function will match the results returned by the import definition on the next run
 - Bank batches
  o  Statement Date has been added to the Bank batches grid

Version 4.12.1093.3456 (05 December 2016)

 - Cashbook Import error: "invalid column length from the bcp client for colid..."
o Truncating the Cashbook transactions details (300 -> 100) for insertion in the Allocation table has been fixed
o When a cashbook import returns data larger than the cashbook table can accommodate, the value is truncated to the maximum length
  prior to inserting (200 characters for reference fields and 300 characters for the description)
 - Cashbook imports ending in a warning now appear on the Rollback cashbook screen
o The process cannot end in a warning unless transactions were committed
 - Bank Statements list
   o There is a new menu item available to Site Administrators
   o Setup > Site Configuration > Bank Statements
   o Individual Bank statements can be selected/deselected for use by the application
   o The goal for the future is to allow installation of plugins without requiring a new version of the application
 - Swift Parser
   o There is a new plugin 'Swift'
   o This plugin will parse MT940 and MT950 files and ignore other swift messages (900,910,...) without failing
   o The main benefit is that the plugin will parse a file containing a mixture of message types
   o It is off by default
   o To activate, navigate to the Bank Statements list, deactivate both of 'Twenty57.BankRecon.BankStatements.SWIFTMT940.dll' and
 'Twenty57.BankRecon.BankStatements.SWIFTMT950.dll'. Then activate 'Twenty57.BankRecon.BankStatements.SWIFT.dll'
   o Without deactivating the SWIFTMT940 and SWIFTMT950 plugins, they will always detect and attempt to parse the Swift file first
 - AutoRecon transfer consolidation
   o There are 2 new configuration options on the ReconRule editor:
 o 'Consolidate Transfers':
- When selected and the rule is run across accounts, transactions will be consolidated and reconciled per account prior to transfer
- This may avoid the creation of many transactions, since only 2 transactions will be created for the transfer
  per account instead of 2 transactions created for each transferred transaction
- The default setting is off
 o 'Transfer Account' = [Use first Bank Account] or [Use Account with most transactions]
- When reconciling across accounts, Bank Recon must choose an account to transfer transactions to
- A new option is available to limit the number of transferred transactions by selecting the transfer account as the account
  with most transactions meaning that fewer transactions need to be transferred
- The default is [User first Bank Account]
   o The major gain in reducing the number of transactions created when transferring across accounts is by selecting the 'Consolidate' option

 - MSDTC is no longer required on the TagEditor screen
 - Unreconciled table maintenance
  o The maintenance of the unreconciled tables (CashbookTransactionUnreconciled and BankTransactionUnreconciled) can now be switched off
  o The process has been adjusted so as not to interfere with other processes and to ensure that only one update of the tables is running at any one time
    - This will reduce load on the server as well as resolve some concurrency issues associated with updating the tables
  o The unreconciled tables are used by the Suggest process and may be used by the Recon rules themselves
  o To turn off the unreconciled table maintenance, you must have the Suggest process switched off and ensure that none of your Recon rules
    reference the unreconciled tables directly (since they will then not match anything)
- Any recon rules using the unreconciled tables directly can be changed as follows:
  1. Any reference to CashbookTransactionUnreconciled should be changed to CashbookTransactionUnreconciledView
  2. Any reference to BankTransactionUnreconciled should be changed to BankTransactionUnreconciledView
- Then add the following application setting to the process service configuration file:
  1. add key="" value="false"

Version 4.11.1088.3433 (26 October 2016)

 - Flexcube transaction reversals are now parsed and reflected on the BankTransaction as Reference3 = 'Reversal'
 - MT940 / MT950 reversals are imported as BankTransaction.Reference9 = 'Reversal'
 - Individual reconciliations created when reconciling across accounts can be individually unreconciled or the entire batch can be unreconciled
   o These are created when transferring transactions from source accounts to the Recon account

 - "Reconciliation done successfully" message displays immediately after reconciling directly without a balancing entry
o Previously, the message would only show on returning to the manual reconciliation screen
o This message still display when returning to the Manual Reconciliation screen after creating a balancing entry
 - Bank transaction - Bulk import bug for bankstatements with no statement number has been resolved
         o When multiple statements are found in the import directory, Bank Recon needs to order the statements to import correctly.
  It does this by using the associated Statement number / Statement date
o In the case that a bank format does not use a statement number and the statement dates are equal, Bank Recon will use the
  ordering of the selected files as shown on the Bank Transaction import screen (top to bottom).
 - When reconciling across accounts and using Helper data, the ReconID's attached to Helper data rows were incorrectly assigned to the transfer Recons
    instead of the Recon in the working account
         o This has been resolved and the ReconID assigned to matched helper data will match the BankTransaction account (Recon account)

 - GL Account names are displayed on the Journal rule list and editor screens in addition to the GL account number
      o <Account Name> - <Account Number>

Version 4.10.1086.3422 (28 September 2016)

 - Auto journal entries can now be consolidated in the same way as with manual entries
           o To use this feature, the Consolidate option should be selected on the Journal rule
 - When testing a classic Recon rule with Helper data, the matched Helper data can be viewed along with the cashbook / bank data

 - Manual Reconciliation balancing entry error (Cashbook Transaction ID 0 does not exist)
o Bank Recon can fail to create a balancing entry due a number of reasons including:
   i.  the user does not have create cashbook batch / auto journal permissions
   ii. there are no open batches
o Previously, the actual error was being swallowed and "Cashbook Transaction ID 0 does not exist" was displayed
 - "One of the Recons does not balance.". A scenario was discovered when a rule returns matches using multiple ReconHelpers, BankRecon was
         not mapping the correct ReconHelpers to the correct match. This meant that importing the missing Helpers from the data set
would retrieve helpers from the wrong data set and the result would not balance. This has been resolved

 - Oracle cashbook imports were failing on first connection and subsequently succeeding due to an as yet unknown cause
               o To mitigate this, the Oracle cashbook import definition supports retrying the connection a configurable number of times
    using a configurable interval between retries
  o A cashbook import will show a warning on the process log when the connection needed to be retried and fail if the number
    of retries exceeds the configured setting