Friday, 6 November 2015

Bank Recon 4.4.1019.3187 is available

Bank Recon 4.4.1019.3187 is available for download from the Twenty57 website. A big thank you to Ashish, Jai and Shivkant for the development work.

  • Process Queuing has been implemented. This will ensure only one process log item runs at a time, minimising concurrent calls to the database
    • The process items will execute in the order they have been kicked off 
    • An item will remain in pending state until it is first in the queue
  • Speed improvements to the Cashbook Import process
  • Bank Statement support for a number of Zimbabwean banks. See the help site for a complete list
  • You can now sort the transactions in the Matched section of the Manual Recon screen
    • The sorting is independent of the transactions list and you can only sort on one column at a time
    • The sort order is saved to profiles
  • Bank Recon now installs on Windows 10/IIS 11 successfully
  • Better error messages and an easier to read error pop-up if something goes wrong during the install
  • All errors are written to the log file and the log file can be opened from the msi directly in the case of install failure
  • You can read more on the msi logging functionality here
  • Swift parser now handles a file padded with spaces to make it fixed length
  • Process Log message time stamp is now saved in 24-hour format
  • The release notes have been moved to a page (Release Notes) in this blog. The Release notes link under the Help Menu will direct you to this page
  • Test Oracle Import definition now works correctly when the KeyValue type is Date
  • Ensure Across account recons don't cause table locking issues
  • Ensure the SMTP password isn't overwritten with no value every time you Save the Site Configuration settings
  • Ensure the SMTP password value is stored encrypted in the database. PLEASE NOTE:  This change requires us to clear any existing SMTP password value out of the database. If you have added SMTP settings to Bank Recon please update the password again after installing this version

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Bank Recon 4.2.983.3100 is available

Bank Recon 4.2.983.3100 is available for download from the Twenty57 website. Thank you to Shivkant and Ashish for the dev work

  • Bank Account currency column displayed on the Account List page
  • Bank Account Id displayed on the Account List page. This is to help with writing Easy Recon Rules
  • SWIFT MT940 Statement parser enhancements - process Statement Number Tag 28 instead of 28C
  • BAI Parser enhancements - process Custom Codes correctly, better handling of post-dated transactions on a statement, handle a comma in the 16 tag text field
  • Only allow an across account recon if at least one of the transactions in the match belongs to the selected account 
  • Accounting Periods: Allow editing of last accounting period name if manually added and allow delete of last accounting period if no data linked to it

  • Multiple Import of Bank Statements now shows Error Status and details if the import fails for some reason (files written to the Failed folder)
  • A Daily Process Schedule log item shows error Status if one of the processes inside of it fails
  • Use the correct Cashbook Transaction Type when transferring transactions between accounts
  • Display correct Batch Create User when viewing cashbook batch details through the All Batches screen
  • Group by in Easy Recon rules is creating the GetKeysCommand correctly
  • Same side cashbook transactions created by the Helper rule process are being moved to the Unreconciled tables
  • Ensure correct columns appear in the Manual Recon Cashbook filter view. Tag Name was being incorrectly shown and Account Name when searching in a single account
  • Alignment of grids and columns on the Daily Process Setup and Run Screens is fixed
  • Apply an Order by RowNumber clause to the query that generates the manual recon screen to ensure text fields are ordered correctly in all instances

We're taking a look at Bank Recon performance over the next couple of months. Improving the speed of cashbook imports, ensuring processes run efficiently, and updating queries to generate the screens faster. We'll also be looking at better management of concurrent users to make sure users on different domains and accounts don't block each other.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Bank Recon version 4.2.963.3056 is available

It can be downloaded from the Twenty57 website.


  • New PNB Paribas statement parser. It will accept the csv format
  • Changes to MT940 statement to apply a less strict statement number check. It will import a statement with a greater than number, not just the next sequential number
  • Ensure that the MT940 statement number reset in a new year works when statements are not generated daily. Any statement numbered 1,2 or 3 will be accepted
  • Remove a binary null character if present in a CATS Statement to prevent any errors in viewing the transactions on the UI
  • Automatically create the next accounting period if the expected accounting period for a bank statement is closed. eg. the statement Date is December, but the December period is closed. January will be created and the batch created in it
  • New column on Account table: Bank Account Currency. Allows null and accepts any text value up to 50 characters long
  • Email Tags can now be used with Forms Authentication. There needs to be a valid email address specified for the user sending the tag. Email is now an additional field on the user table
  • Explanations for some of the Site Config General Settings
  • Ensure General Ledger Export rights are persisted correctly to the Database when assigned to a User Group
  • Ensure the correct accounting period is used when a bank statement contains a backdated transaction and there are multiple open periods
  • Test Cashbook Import Definition now works when the query has an inner select statement
Thank you to Jai, Shivkant  and Ashish for the dev work!