We've listened to your feedback and made changes to the new Helper Process and Manual Recon Screen. We've also made sure that the standard reports will reflect all transactional data correctly. Thank you to everyone who tried out the screen and provided suggestions. We are certainly not done, there is more we will continue to add and improve but this release will allow you to take your Bank Details reconciliations even further. Please keep on sending your comments and suggestions to me.
Bank Recon 4.2.770.2619 is available for download from the Twenty57 website. Please note the following if you have installed and are using version 4.2.715.2505.
Bank Recon 4.2.770.2619 is available for download from the Twenty57 website. Please note the following if you have installed and are using version 4.2.715.2505.
- You will need to re-index your database (Setup>Index Management and click the Run button)
- We have changed the way the linking works so if you have existing linked Parent and Bank Details Transactions PLEASE contact me so I can help you make sure all transaction links are correct and will be reported on accurately
Other features and fixes
- A web service method has been added to import the Bank Details file supported by Bank Recon. The method name is BankDetailsSingleFileImport and the parameters are Username, Password, DomainId and FileContent. It works in a similar way to the Bank Statement web service method already included in Bank Recon
- Suggest Error: Cannot access a closed screen has been fixed
- Better error message when the Network User specified is not valid and you try to import Bank Statements
We have redesigned the helper process to make it easier for you to still use the linked parent records on the Old style manual recon screen.
Changes to the Helper Process
Changes to the Helper Process
- Linked Bank Transactions will be available on the old screen but not the new screen. If any of the linked details are reconciled it will be greyed out (you won't be able to match it). Once all the helper details are reconciled it will disappear off the old screen
- Better Linking between Bank Details and Parent Bank Transactions. The link is saved to a ReconHelperLink table. The Parent Bank Transaction is not reconciled
- You can still manually reconcile the parent transaction like you always have. Once the parent bank transaction is reconciled, the helper data will be removed from the new screen
- There is no helper data available on the old screen
- Write your advanced Recon Rules using the views specified in the Rule Design pop-up. These have been written to ensure you get the right transactions for all type of rules. And remember that you can use the Easy rules to do most types of rules these days, including rules with Grouping and complex Regex expressions
Reporting Changes
- 11 of the Standard Reports have been updated. We identified the ones that seem to be used most often. If you use a report shipped with Bank Recon and we haven't updated it, let me know and we will do so
- All our updated Reports are appended with (Standard) in the name to clearly identify them so they won't overwrite the current standard reports, in case you have tweaked them but not changed the name
- They are automatically inserted into Bank Recon when you install the build. This will be the practise going forward when we update a report so make sure that your custom reports DO NOT have the same name as the Standard Reports
- Where applicable the Reports have been updated to show the split between Bank Transactions and the Bank Details
- Linked Parent Bank Details transactions are NEVER included in the Reports and Views. We will always report on the details where a link exists even if you reconcile the parent record
- Reports have also been upgraded to Report Viewer 2012. You do not need SQL 2012 installed to use the Report Viewer. You will need to download and install the Redistributable to view the reports
- Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 runtime is required (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35747)
- This has a dependency on the Microsoft SQL System CLR Types for SQL Server 2012 (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35580)
- Update your web.config file to reference Report Viewer 11 instead of 9.
- In the HttpHandlers section replace the existing Report Viewer attribute with this one:
- <add path="Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd" verb="*" type="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler, Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" validate="false"/>
- In the HttpHandlers section replace the existing Report Viewer attribute with this one:
- Include the following attribute in the system.web section of your web.config file to ensure that Reports export correctly
- <trust legacyCasModel="true" level="Full"/>
- Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 runtime is required (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35747)
- Reports can be designed in Visual Studio 2010, 2012 or using the stand-alone report builder 3 tool. Existing 2005 reports and report projects can be upgraded to a later version
- Remove your already loaded standard reports. The old ones will no longer work correctly. Report Viewer 2012 is not backwards compatible with 2005 rdl's. It is compatible with 2008, 2010 and 2012 rdl's
- We have included the following Standard Views to Help you with your Custom Reporting. Update all your existing Custom Reports to use these views as well as to Report Viewer 2012. Please use these views for all future Reports. If you need help with converting your reports please let me know and we will assist you
- Reporting_CashbookTransactionViewStandard
- Reporting_BankAndBankDetailsTransactionViewStandard
- Reporting_BankTransactionViewStandard
- Reporting_BankDetailsViewStandard
A big thank you to Jai for all the time and effort he has invested in the development of Bank Recon.
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