Friday 17 June 2011

BankRecon Suggest Usability Testing

We have just come back from an awesome usability session for BankRecon’s new Suggest functionality at a client. Now I feel compelled to tell you more about it.

Suggest finds matching transactions by looking at the amount, date and all reference fields to find amounts and dates that tie up and words that are the same. This works really well when client or account reference numbers are available, but suggest can also pick up matches where there are names or other unique values in the transactions. It looks like this:

The matching words are highlighted and provide users with an easy way to understand the quality of the match by evaluating the uniqueness of the words that match across the transactions. As users currently use these words to find matches in the manual recon screen, this task is quite simple for the current BankRecon users.

Some comments from our users:

“It will make it (my work) a lot quicker and much easier”

“That will be very useful”

“That will make my work less, so thank you!” (she guessed that it is about 20%)

“I don’t need to search any more as it just delivers the recons to me”

“Now there is no need to define profiles any longer”

“Wow, that is so cool.”


  1. Some really nice comments from our users, a job well done!

  2. cool - now just release it - pleaseeeeeeee
